الرئيسية » خواطر » اقوال وحكم الفلاسفة » حكم بالانجليزي عن الحياة

حكم بالانجليزي عن الحياة

بواسطة عبدالرحمن مجدي
5373 المشاهدات
قصص مضحكة حقيقية قصيرة
Every woman was created to be beautiful. But a woman’s beauty isn’t seen, it’s discovered.
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If you’re man enough, she’ll never have to think she deserves better. Women are unstoppable when they realise they deserve better. ~
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He asked her, “What kind of man are you looking for” ?
She looked him in the eye and said “well, I am in a position to ask a man what he can do for me that I can’t do for myself. I pay my own bills. I take care of my household without the help of anyone” !! So, …
I’m looking for a man who is … And also he has to be ….
I’m looking for a man who will … As well as he should …
I’m looking for a man who has … He also must …
I’m looking for a man who can … Moreover he is …
And while he was watching her with a puzzled look, he suddenly stopped her and said in a mocking tone, “I think this is too much, you’re asking a lot”.
She smiled and said in a cheery whispery tone, “this is because I’m too valuable and I’m worth a lot“.
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A relationship with no arguments is a relationship with lots of secrets. What matters most is HOW you argue not whether you argue or not. And here are my favourite strategies for a fair argument with our partners:
– Stop trying to figure out who wins. Caring people prefer losing an argument to win a relationship.
– Apologise. Apologising doesn’t always mean that you’re wrong and the other person is right. It sometimes means that you value your relationship more than your ego.
– Finally and most efficiently, the ideal way to have a day free of arguments and fights is for the man to accept that the woman is always right 🙂
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I don’t care about your race, your religious affiliation, your nationality, your political beliefs, your gender, your sexual orientation or your class status. I only care how you treat me. It’s what you do not who you are. Simple as that.
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Social media, the very place where relationships are perfect. The world shows off they are living a great life; posting heavily filtered photos and “check in” at the most luxurious and fancy places to make you compare your boring life with “half-truth version” of theirs. Social media is the place where people are doing their best to show how happy and satisfied they are with their lives.
But if one day you fell prey to the seduction of other people’s “partial truths”, remember that we rarely check Facebook when we’re having our own peak experiences. And don’t forget that the very best things in life can’t be captured in photos or written in status updates because showing you are happy isn’t the same as “being” happy.
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And again, today in Khutbah Al-Jum’ah (Friday sermon), Imam asked us at the beginning of his speech “Who is the real enemy of Islam ?” and at the end, he came up with a conclusion that Islam biggest enemies are Israel, USA, Europe and Australia!! And the day when “we” take over the world, the mother earth will be the happiest place in the universe.
But I’m wondering if he asked himself “why we are not happy in our native counties; Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Tunisia, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi etc !!? And why we are happy when we travel to the infidels and the enemies; USA, Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia etc.. !!? And Who do you blame for that? Do you blame us? Our leaderships? Our mentality? The vision of our countries? Your radical thoughts!? Your misleading beliefs? NO. He blames the countries where we feel happy when we travel to. And then he wants to change those countries to be like the countries where we are unhappy !!!
I think if our kind sheiks and Imams had given as much consideration to subjects like “coexistence”, “tolerance”,”respecting the diversity”, “accepting differences” and “the well reception of others’ perspectives”, as much as they give all their energy and enthusiasm to “haranguing about the enemies of Islam” and “world dominance”, our situation would have been by far much better. Jumu’ah Mubarakah.
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She may have a touch of what some people call “insane”, “stubborn”, “bulletheaded” etc… She may pick fights and arguments with you about everything, you will always feel like you dont want her, you can’t get her satisfaction and failure how to make her happy. This kind of girl has opinions, a life and dreams. She will always want the best for herself, her partner and her family. She argues because she cares. She always encourages you to follow your dreams and makes you question your beliefs and ideas. This girl will always get the best out of you.
An Immature man (or a boy) will always go with the flow; he will ask his mom to find him a “good” girl or he will find himself an easy “Amina-Type” girl. This kind of unself-confident “Ce-Sayed” will never work hard for anything, especially not a relationship.
The truth is, this “challenging” girl who is not yet mature will be a pain in the butt. But it takes a real man to know that with a little experience, wisdom, patience and passion this is the girl who will become wife material.
If you find this girl you better never let her get away; or go and find yourself an “Amina”, they are a dime a dozen ~
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